Are Internal Exams Required for Pelvic Floor Therapy?

Are Internal Exams Required for Pelvic Floor Therapy

Pelvic floor therapy can be a bit of a mystery for many. The concept might conjure images of invasive procedures or uncomfortable examinations. But what does it really involve? 

One of the most common questions people have is whether internal exams are necessary for pelvic floor therapy. Let’s break it down and see what pelvic floor therapy is all about and whether those internal exams are necessary. Are you ready?

What Is Pelvic Floor Therapy?

Pelvic floor therapy focuses on the muscles that support the pelvic organs. These muscles are important for bladder control, bowel function, and sexual health. 

Issues with these muscles can occur due to childbirth, surgery, aging, or injuries. Therapy aims to improve muscle strength and function through various techniques, which can include exercises, manual therapy, and sometimes internal exams.

One thing to remember is that pelvic floor therapy is personalized. Your therapist will assess your condition and create a treatment plan just for you. This plan might include internal exams, but it doesn’t always have to. Your comfort and specific needs are the priority.

The idea of an internal exam might be scary, but it’s just one tool among many. Whether it’s needed depends on your condition and how comfortable you feel about it. Open communication with your therapist is key here.

Why Do Internal Exams Matter?

Internal exams can give therapists essential insights into the state of your pelvic floor muscles. These exams help them assess muscle tone strength and pinpoint pain or dysfunction. This information can lead to more effective treatment plans.

Not everyone needs an internal exam. The decision is based on your symptoms and your comfort level. Some conditions, like severe pelvic pain or certain types of incontinence, might benefit more from these detailed exams.

If an internal exam is suggested, knowing what to expect can ease your worries. The procedure is usually quick and done with great care for your comfort and privacy. Your therapist will explain everything step by step, ensuring you’re as comfortable as possible. And remember, you can always say no if it makes you uneasy.

Other Methods in Pelvic Floor Therapy

Internal exams are just one piece of the puzzle. There are plenty of other techniques in pelvic floor therapy. External assessments, for example, can tell much about your muscle function and coordination. These might include observing your movements, checking your posture, and evaluating external pelvic floor muscles.

Biofeedback is another cool, non-invasive method. It involves sensors that show muscle activity, helping you learn to control and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Biofeedback can be great for those who prefer to avoid internal exams.

Exercise is a big part of pelvic floor therapy. Depending on your needs, these exercises aim to strengthen or relax your pelvic floor muscles. Your therapist will guide you through them to make sure you do them right and get the most benefit. These methods are often very effective and form the core of many treatment plans.

Addressing Concerns About Internal Exams

Feeling nervous about internal exams is entirely normal. The best way to handle this is to talk openly with your therapist. They can explain why an internal exam might help and how it will be done. Knowing what to expect can reduce your anxiety.

If you’re uncomfortable with internal exams, let your therapist know. They can adjust your treatment plan to focus on other techniques. It’s all about finding a balance that respects your comfort while being practical.

Therapists are trained to handle these exams with the utmost care and professionalism. They know every patient is different and aim to create a safe and supportive environment. Your comfort and trust are their top priorities.

The Importance of Personalized Treatment Plans

Everyone’s journey with pelvic floor therapy is unique. What works for one person might not work for another. That’s why personalized treatment plans are so important. Your therapist will take the time to understand your symptoms, medical history, and treatment goals.

By customizing your therapy to fit your needs, your therapist can offer the most effective and comfortable care possible. This approach increases the chances of success and helps you reach your health goals faster.

A personalized plan ensures your therapy addresses your unique challenges. Whether it includes internal exams or other methods, your treatment will be designed to get the best results for you.

Resolve Physical Therapy: Your Partner in Recovery

At Resolve Physical Therapy, we know the value of personalized care. We help athletes and active individuals stay pain-free and return to their favorite activities. Our approach to pelvic floor therapy is no different. We understand that each patient is unique and deserves a treatment plan tailored to their needs.

We’re dedicated to getting you back to being you. We know how frustrating pelvic floor issues can be, and we’re here to help you overcome them. Whether you’re a runner who’s had to take a break or an athlete sidelined by pain, we’ve been there, and we’re committed to helping you get back to what you love.


Pelvic floor therapy is a great way to address a variety of pelvic health issues. While internal exams can be part of the process, they aren’t always necessary. Talking openly with your therapist about your concerns and preferences is the key. 

At Resolve Physical Therapy, we’re committed to providing personalized care that respects your comfort and meets your unique needs. Whether or not your treatment includes internal exams, we’re here to help you reach your health goals and get back to the activities you love.

Read More:

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Explained

About Us

Resolve Physical Therapy helps youth and adult athletes in the Hudson Valley stay active and pain free. If you have a body, you’re an athlete. We help youth athletes, weekend warriors, Cross-Fitters, runners, complex cases, and busy people get back to doing what they love. This is not your typical physical therapy clinic.

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