What Are the Symptoms of Pelvic Floor Problems? A Pelvic Floor Therapist Explains

What Are the Symptoms of Pelvic Floor Problems A Pelvic Floor Therapist Explains

Are you struggling with unexplained discomfort or issues “down there”? You’re not alone. Pelvic floor problems are more common than you might think, affecting both men and women. These issues can appear in various ways, often leading to confusion and frustration. 

Next, we’ll explore the symptoms of pelvic floor problems and how they can impact your daily life. Let’s get started.

Urinary Incontinence

One of the most common symptoms of pelvic floor problems is urinary incontinence. It can range from occasional leaks when you sneeze or laugh to constantly rushing to the bathroom. This lack of control over your bladder can be incredibly disruptive.

For many, the embarrassment associated with urinary incontinence leads to avoiding social situations. It can interfere with daily activities, making you feel like you must be near a bathroom. A pelvic floor therapist can help you manage these symptoms with targeted exercises and lifestyle adjustments.

Beyond the physical inconvenience, the emotional toll of urinary incontinence is significant. Many people feel isolated or ashamed, but it’s essential to remember that help is available, and you don’t have to deal with this alone.

Chronic Pelvic Pain

Persistent pelvic pain is another common symptom. This pain can be dull and aching or sharp and intense, varying in severity. It might come and go or be a constant companion. For women, it’s often mistaken for menstrual cramps or endometriosis, while men might confuse it with prostate issues.

This pain can make sitting, standing, or even lying down uncomfortable. It often impacts your ability to work, exercise, or engage in intimate relationships. Seeking help from a pelvic floor therapist can relieve and improve your quality of life.

Understanding the source of chronic pelvic pain is crucial. It can stem from muscle spasms, nerve issues, or even referred pain from other body areas. A comprehensive evaluation by a pelvic floor therapist can pinpoint the cause and guide effective treatment.

Painful Intercourse

Pain during intercourse, or dyspareunia, is a distressing symptom that many feel uncomfortable discussing. However, it’s a significant indicator of pelvic floor dysfunction. This pain can affect both men and women, often leading to a decrease in sexual activity and strain on relationships.

For women, the pain might be at the vaginal opening or deeper inside. Men might experience discomfort during or after ejaculation. Addressing these issues with a pelvic floor therapist can lead to significant improvements.

Dyspareunia is not just a physical problem; it has emotional and psychological dimensions as well. It’s vital to approach this symptom with sensitivity and seek a therapist who understands the complexities involved.

Bowel Dysfunction

Bowel issues are less commonly associated with pelvic floor problems, but they are equally important. Symptoms can include constipation, straining during bowel movements, or even fecal incontinence. These issues can significantly impact daily life and lead to discomfort and embarrassment.

Constipation often results from a lack of coordination in the pelvic floor muscles. Conversely, fecal incontinence might occur due to weak muscles that can’t correctly control bowel movements. A pelvic floor therapist can effectively develop a treatment plan to address these issues.

Improving bowel function involves more than just dietary changes. It requires a holistic approach, including exercises to strengthen and coordinate the pelvic floor muscles, ensuring they work harmoniously.

Prolapse Symptoms

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the muscles and tissues supporting the pelvic organs weaken, causing them to drop lower than usual. This can lead to a feeling of heaviness or pressure in the pelvic area, a noticeable bulge in the vagina, or even difficulty urinating or having bowel movements.

The sensation of something “falling out” can be alarming and uncomfortable. It often worsens throughout the day, especially if you’ve been on your feet a lot. Consulting with a pelvic floor therapist can provide strategies to manage prolapse symptoms and improve your comfort.

Treatment might include pelvic floor exercises, lifestyle modifications, or, in some cases, supportive devices. The goal is to enhance your daily life and prevent the condition from worsening.

How Resolve Physical Therapy Can Help

At Resolve Physical Therapy, we understand the impact of pelvic floor problems on your life. We offer specialized pelvic floor physical therapy tailored to your unique needs. Our approach is holistic, focusing on your overall well-being and helping you get back to being you.

We know the frustration of stepping away from activities you love due to pain or discomfort. Our team has earned the trust of countless athletes and active individuals. We create customized plans that are easy to follow and designed to fit seamlessly into your life.

Pelvic floor problems shouldn’t hold you back from enjoying life. With our help, you can move pain-free and confidently. We won’t just tell you to stop doing what you love; we’ll provide the tools and support to keep going strong.


Pelvic floor problems manifest in various ways, from urinary incontinence and chronic pain to bowel dysfunction and prolapse. These symptoms can significantly impact your daily life, but they are manageable with the right help. Consulting a pelvic floor therapist is the first step towards relief and improved quality of life.

At Resolve Physical Therapy, we’re dedicated to helping you stay active and pain-free. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms. Together, we can develop a plan that works for you, allowing you to move confidently and comfortably again.

Read More:

Unlocking Pelvic Power

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Resolve Physical Therapy helps youth and adult athletes in the Hudson Valley stay active and pain free. If you have a body, you’re an athlete. We help youth athletes, weekend warriors, Cross-Fitters, runners, complex cases, and busy people get back to doing what they love. This is not your typical physical therapy clinic.

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